Industry Statistics

Did You Know?

  • 35 million U.S. households recognized the need for life insurance in the past 24 months, but only 13 million purchased coverage.

– The Purchase Funnel, LIMRA, 2022

  • LIMRA research shows that, despite shifting priorities, employees still place workplace benefits among the top factors they look for in a potential employer.

– BEAT Study: Benefits and Employee Attitude Tracker, LIMRA, 2022.

  • Life insurance is significantly less expensive for the young and healthy; LIMRA even reports that 4 in 10 insured consumers wish they had purchased their policies at a younger age.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • Among insureds with financial dependents, 68 percent feel secure, compared with 47 percent of non-insureds. Consumers with overlapping sources of coverage have the highest likelihood of feeling secure.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • 78% of those who own both worksite and individual life insurance feel secure.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • 29 million adults believe they don’t have enough coverage.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • Middle-income consumers who own life insurance are more likely than uninsured middle-income consumers to feel financially secure (59% versus 43%).

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • More than 4 in 10 middle-income consumers say they have little to no knowledge about life insurance.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • One quarter of middle-income consumers think life insurance is only to cover burial/funeral costs.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • 42% of Americans say their household would face financial hardship within 6 months should a wage earner die unexpectedly — 25% would struggle financially within 1 month.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens

  • Most households haven’t prepared for the loss of a primary wage earner: 44% say it would take less than six months to feel financial hardship if this happened to their family.

– 2022 Insurance Barometer Study by LIMRA and Life Happens