Is Accident Insurance Worth It?

What is Accident Insurance?

Accident insurance is a plan that can protect you and your loved ones when an unexpected accident happens. While many health insurance plans cover major medical expenses after an accident, you may still be left with many out-of-pocket expenses such as co-payments, deductibles, travel and hotel costs related to an accident. Boston Mutual Life Insurance’s accident insurance can pay you cash to complement your medical insurance and help you cover additional expenses.

Is Accident Insurance Worth It?

Each day, many Americans commute to work, operate machinery or lift things at their job, then head to their kids’ sports practices or participate in other physical activities. According to the National Safety Council’s Injury Facts, in 2019, 48.3 million Americans- about 1 in 7- had to get medical attention for an injury.

Accidents happen every day, so it is worth being proactive and having a plan for you and your loved ones when these things pop up. Boston Mutual Life Insurance’s accident insurance can offer that financial peace of mind.

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What is Accident Insurance?

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